Final evaluation of 1st Batxillerat. Answer these
• Observing your SPACE, can you see an improvement onyour level of English since September 2009? Where, forexample?
Yes, of course. Two years ago I was more immature and you can see it reading my posts. I talked about other kind of things and news. Now, I recognise I’m not very mature but I’m more mature than before.
Also, my older posts are shorter than new ones.
• Which activity best shows your level of English?
I think I’m better at readings and writings and worse at listenings and oral tasks.
• Which activities were really USEFUL for you to improve
your English? Why?
For improve my English I think I need more oral tasks (although I hate it) or listenings because people need to understand people talking in English. Know what is saying and English person is more important than know a lot of gramatic.
• Which activities did you not find useful to learn English?
Why not?
I’m sorry but I think the blog isn’t too much useful. Do writings is good but in the blogs we do too many writings. I also think that watch a film in English isn’t useful because people (me included) are reading the subtitles and, if the film doesn’t have subtitles we don’t undersnat nothing and we watch it at home and in Spanish.
• Which activities did you enjoy doing and would like to do
again next year?
For example I’ve enjoyed doing games and speaking English, or I also have liked to do the book’s exercices. I don’t know why, I like do it.