Last February, Castelló’s PIJ (punt d’informacií juvenil) organized a travel to Andorra for two days.

We left Castelló at 6 o’clock in the morning and we traveled by bus during four or five hours. In the bus I sat with my friends, because I didn’t go alone to that travel, I went with Elvira, Lydia, Oliver, Sandra, Miqui and Maria. The travel was very funny.
When we arrived to Andorra we began to get dressing with our snow clothes. By the way, I have to say that that winter every one of us wore the typical Decathlon jacket, but this year almost everybody of my group have bought new brand clothes. I have bought a Special Blend jacket and a Burton snow pants. Continuing the story, the bus left us next to the sky station and when we arrived we went directly to do our first skiing.
We spent all day skiing, we only stop for thirty minutes to have lunch. At five o’clock the sky station had to be closed so we went to the bus more or les at 4:30h.
We went to a hostel called Aina and there we choose our room and our beds. They were rooms of six beds!

That afternoon we went to walk through Andorra la Vella. We visited snow shops to bay some clothes but finally I only bought an orange snow glasses (very cools!). We came back to the hostel to sleep, but nobody slept a lot that night. Maria brought a cake but we weren’t hungry so she ate ALL the cake (incredible).
Next day we went to practice skiing another time. That was the last day of skiing ot that winter so we wanted to enjoy the day. We started the day calm and we finished it in the snowpark very exited.
Finally we came back home also by bus. Nobody wanted to leave Andorra but, the show must go on!