divendres, 27 d’abril del 2012

Informal letter

Hi Doraemon!
I said to you long ago that I World write you so, here I am!
Last week we celebrated Saint Georges’ Day in Catalonia and my mother gave me a book, like every year. It's called Death of a beekeeper by Lars Gifstadisson.

I began to read it that day and this morning I've finished it. It is said that it will be one of the best-sellers this year. I know you don'tlike reading books but you should try to read it because it's great!

At first it seems a thriller but it is not! you begin to read and you dive into a love story between a sick beekeeper and a new woman in the village. their love is so strong that makes her a lover of bees too.

It's a love story, besides it explains the job of a beekeeper, that is decreasing strongly in the last years. I know you love animals so you could like it.

Well that's all! I hope you give it a try. I'm sure that if you do that you'll discover a new world with every book.

Kisses, XXX


Describe a funny experience that occurred to you in High School

When I was studying 2nd of ESO I had the worst class of my year. Every day our teachers were angry with us because of our attitude. My class was full of St Miquel’s people (a village where most of people haven’t got the ESO title) and non-working students. That year our tutor was Pedro Burgos, the French teacher. He hated us, like all teachers, because he couldn’t control us.

One day we were very excited in tutory class and all of us were throwing pieces of rubber to the others. One guy, I don’t know who he was, threw one at Pedro and everybody began to laugh. Pedro was desesperated because no one let him talk and he rested in silent the rest of the hour, letting us throw the rubber to him.

I know it is cruel, but we were twelve years old and very immature. Moreover, an important thing I haven’t said is that Pedro was hated by every student in the High School. What we did was bad but maybe… maybe was fair.

dimarts, 24 d’abril del 2012

Informal letter (selectivitat exam)

Hi Sam!

Well, coming home I spent over three hours because I crashed into another car. It wasn’t an important blow but the car’s driver was horrified, she was afraid and crying (because of the fear). I had to calm her down before I went home.

It it’s possible I’d like the pics of the day we went to Port Aventura, in Tarragona. They’re the finniest! And also I’d like the photo where we couldn’t stop laughing.

By the way, I’ve found your watch, eventually. Yesterday I came across it while I was looking for the TV remote control. If you agree I’m going to keep it in my jeweller and I’ll give it to you in September, when we see each other again.

Given the choice I go for the city. There I’ll have the possibility of meeting other people; young people if it’s possible. We’ll be able to go shopping, to the cinema or the theatre and go out at nights. Do you agree?

Well I have to leave you because I have loads of work to do.

I miss you, Sam.

Kisses, XXX

Lady Elisabeth Darcy