2, Puig de la cavalleria Street
20th March 2012
White House
United States
Dear Mr Barack Obama
I am writing to complain about the United States’ economy. I don’t agree with some of the uses that the government gives to their money.
In my point of view your economic system is on the side of rich people. And the majority of American population has got a middle income. There is an example in the Universities fees; people need to borrow money from banks to pay them. Or another example is what people have to pay to hospitals. They haven’t got ‘Seguretat Social’ such as in Spain or other countries. It’s true that some jobs protect people of these hospital’s bills, but not everybody can obtain these kinds of jobs. Especially poor people and immigrants are being affected.
As I see, United States are the world’s economic and military power, but there are little aspects that must be changed. The societies need to change to an equal quality of life to everyone.
Adding to that, I can relate this topic to KONY 2012 project. The number of people who watch this video grew every day. This powerful project is near to change the mentality of the society because everybody wants to be equal to his neighbor.
In conclusion, I have to say that a lot of people in your country would be agree with me when I say that United Stated need some changes to help people with les financial resources.
Yours faithfully,
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