I began to practice snow three years ago. I had skied since I was eight, all my life, but I was bored of skiing. My brother, Oriol, began to snowboarding and he always say to me that snowboard was better than ski. I wanted to try it but my parents didn’t want it because they thought (and they continue thinking it) snowboarders were dangerous. It’s true that snowboarders go down very fast, but they do it because they control their sport. People who practice skiing also go down fast.

My brother said to me that the firsts days snowboarding were horrible. He said that he always was falling on his bottom and when he arrived at home he has to have an aspirin.
I continued wanting to snowboard after the experiences of my brother. I’m very stubborn.
In second of ESO we were to ski three days. These days I took advantage of the journey and I tried to snowboard. At the end of the first day I didn’t feel my bottom, but I had enjoyed a lot that day. The two days after I continued snowboarding and I was starting to fall in love with it.
When I arrived at home I told my parents my experiences and they had to accept that I prefer snowboard than ski.
My family and I go often to ski so I have continued practicing snowboard.
One year, a few days before Christmas, I arrived to home and my brother said:
- Núria, els reis mags han arrivat abans d’hora, ves a la teva habitació. (Núria, the magic kings have arribed early, go to your room)
I didn’t understand what was he saying but I went to my room. When I went in I saw a precious snowboard. My brother had bought it for my! I was very very very very exciting!
That year

I’m wishing that the winter arrives to go to the mountains, I’m becoming nervous and stressed because the winter won’t arrive until two months!
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