New: From the 2010-2011 academic year of secondary school students will not use textbooks, they will use computers (netbooks).

Netbooks are a category of small, lightweight, and inexpensive laptop computers. I’m sure that this type of computer is an important advance, but I don't agree with the decision of the Catalonian’s Government. I think that books are better than computer.
Everybody knows that if you are always watching a computer screen you will lose a little bit of your sight, you will become a little bit blind before a person who doesn’t use computers very often.
I know the computer is cheaper than the books, but if we continue like this, in the end the new adolescents won’t know the handwriting. I think it’s a big problem.
Handwriting has always worked, why have we had to change it?
I’m sorry but I don’t want that my daughter can’t write by hand.
Possibly I’m radical, but every time I think about it I’m increasingly sure that I'm right.
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