diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011


Dialouge (mp3)

That's the informal dialogue that Elvira, Lydia and I made about plastic surgery.

N - I want a new nose.

Dr Elviro - How do you want it?

L - Wait! Wait! Can’t you see that you don’t need it?

Dr Elviro - Chill out girl! Why do you want a new nose?

N – It’s obvious! It destroys my face. Because of it I can’t get a job, a boyfriend…

L – Shut up!

Doctor, you can see she’s obsessed, can't you?

Dr Elviro – Maybe she is, but this type of operations can change people’s lives.

N - Please, please, please… I nearly dropped out of my job as a journalist cause I am ashamed be on TV with IT in the middle of the face.

Dr Elviro – Oh! You work on TV? You must have a good image to do it. I’ve operated a lot of people who work there.

L – OMG!!! You only want her cash. You are a fucking corrupt!

N – He’s right Lydia, my nose is horrible! GET OUT! He understands me better! You aren’t my friend.

L – It’s your life and it’s your nose. But remember that he who laughs last laughs best!

Dr Elviro – She’s crazy. I can so that you can get what do you want. C’mon, go to see this nose… And your boobs…

N – Yep! Can you see it? What do you think?...

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