divendres, 18 de novembre del 2011

My teachers

In this post I'm going to talk about my 2nd Batx teachers.

- Miquel Angel is my Maths teacher. He is very very very tall. I know his height doesn't import but it is a funny characteristic of him because when you are walking in the corridor and he is in the staff room he ALWAYS arrives to the class before you. He walks quickly because of his long legs.
He is a good teacher but sometimes he explains things too quickly and it isn't easy to understand. But the good part is that if you have a problem or if you don't understand something he explain it only to you.

- Santi is my Catalan teacher. He is very funny because for example sometimes we are in class and he is teaching us the hiatus or diphthongs and he begins to talk about computer games. Nobody says nothing and he began to talk about it, it's incredible!
I like Santi because he teaches us very well and with him you understand everything.

- Sonia is my English teacher. She is always laughing and with her jokes and videos classes become funnier. It’s important to say that EVERYBODY LOVE HER PERFUME!

I like that she always worries about whether we have so much work of other subjects and makes our lives easier.

- Mario is my Spanish teacher. He is very friendly but we always have de same problem. We only do two hours of Spanish in the week and he always says that we don’t have enough time and we have to pay attention. But, to say it he spends fifteen minutes!

But, I have to say that he prepares us very well for Selectivitat.

By the way, he always wears a plaid shirt!

1 comentari:

  1. These are very good descriptions of the teacher! Specially the description from Mario jajaj (we don't have time because... blablabal!)
