From 30 to 6th of April there had been Barraques in Figueres. Barraques
is a week full of concerts of different groups that plays different types of
This year has come Els catarres, Lax’n Busto, Mojinos escocios,
Txarango, Di-versiones and other groups.

Barraques has many advantages and disadvantages:
On the one hand you don’t have to wear high-heels or dresses, you can
wear jeans and jumpers because everybody wears it. Moreover, it’s bigger than a
disco so if you feel stressed because of the crowd you can scape from that.
On the other hand, it’s outdoor so if it rains you’ll need an umbrella,
and if it’s cold you won’t be comfortable.
But in my point of view there are more advantages, so go to barraques
every year is essential.
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