This Saturday in Olot has been celebrated the Vora Riu Festival. It’s a
concert organizated by the Volleybal Club in the same city, the club where I
Firstly, I went to have dinner to a restaurant called Can Guix with my
team. There I had a very good time singing and laughing. We bought a diadem
that had the Mickey’s ears, and we went to the concert wearing it.
My team and I have had to stay serving drinks to the people in order to
win some money for the club, because nowadays C.Volleyball Olot haven’t got a
good economy because on the increase of the bus prices.
The club’s president though that if beautiful women serve drinks, more
people would buy, so all women players were serving.

Luckly, my trainer was there and if there were any problem with someone
he came to solve it.
I can imagine how was this night for you, serving drinks can be really stressfull ( I know it from my own eyperience).