diumenge, 13 de maig del 2012
My English Competence in 2012
To say “it’s enough” when something overwhelm you.

Vora Riu

Montmeló 2012
Barraques 2012

Iraq inquiri
Violence in football
This is England

dimarts, 8 de maig del 2012
Rafa Nadal secures his eighth consecutive Monte Carlo title
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Rafa Nadal, 22th April |
divendres, 27 d’abril del 2012
Informal letter
It's a love story, besides it explains the job of a beekeeper, that is decreasing strongly in the last years. I know you love animals so you could like it.
Well that's all! I hope you give it a try. I'm sure that if you do that you'll discover a new world with every book.
Kisses, XXX
Describe a funny experience that occurred to you in High School
dimarts, 24 d’abril del 2012
Informal letter (selectivitat exam)
Hi Sam!
Well, coming home I spent over three hours because I crashed into another car. It wasn’t an important blow but the car’s driver was horrified, she was afraid and crying (because of the fear). I had to calm her down before I went home.
It it’s possible I’d like the pics of the day we went to Port Aventura, in Tarragona. They’re the finniest! And also I’d like the photo where we couldn’t stop laughing.
By the way, I’ve found your watch, eventually. Yesterday I came across it while I was looking for the TV remote control. If you agree I’m going to keep it in my jeweller and I’ll give it to you in September, when we see each other again.
Given the choice I go for the city. There I’ll have the possibility of meeting other people; young people if it’s possible. We’ll be able to go shopping, to the cinema or the theatre and go out at nights. Do you agree?
Well I have to leave you because I have loads of work to do.
I miss you, Sam.
Kisses, XXX
Lady Elisabeth Darcy
dimarts, 20 de març del 2012
- What are human rights?
The human rights are these rights, understanding right as an action that allows people to live in a better way, without danger, suffering and pain; that belong to every human in our world.
- Why were they created?
They were created to try to make a society more equal. Everybody with the same rights, nobody being more important than the others.
These rights expect to remove the differences between races.
- How many human rights are there?
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights consists in 30 items.
- Which human right were you not familiar with? Mention an example where this human right is respected and where it is not respected.
The right of look for a refoge in other contries in case of persecution.
The example of the Spanish Civil War is very clear. It shows how Francisco Franco violated this right. He killed every republican he saw, unless they went into exile in secret. The dicatorsgips are always an example of vialations of human rights.
It was respected, for example, durind the Spanish Second Republic, when the general Sanjurjo tried to get into the government using the violence, but the police officers prevent it. The government left him go to Portugal, without going to prison.
Human Rights in Syria
Human Right Watch denounces executions, kidnappings and torture by Syrian Rebels.
In Syria there have been a lot of attempts to the government politicians, their army and people that are in favour with them. Armed groups of the oppositors to the regime are attacking them using tortures, executions...

This event is an attempt the the rights of this people. Everybody have the right of being safe and not to suffer. But the Rebels don’t consider it important. The kill other people and, that’s not all, they use tortures to kill. In my opinion it is worse.
Torturing someone you are doing that someone suffer until the last second of his life. Tortures are worse than murders.
“The Syrian government’s brutal tactics can’t justify abuses by armed opposition groups” said Middle East director at Human Right Watch, Sarah Leah Whitson.
I agree with what she has stated, there aren’t any reason that could someday justify these actions. The oppositors must leave the weapons and fight with the actual government using the words and the democracy. With these Civil Wars we are destroying our planet.
Formal letter
2, Puig de la cavalleria Street
20th March 2012
White House
United States
Dear Mr Barack Obama
I am writing to complain about the United States’ economy. I don’t agree with some of the uses that the government gives to their money.
In my point of view your economic system is on the side of rich people. And the majority of American population has got a middle income. There is an example in the Universities fees; people need to borrow money from banks to pay them. Or another example is what people have to pay to hospitals. They haven’t got ‘Seguretat Social’ such as in Spain or other countries. It’s true that some jobs protect people of these hospital’s bills, but not everybody can obtain these kinds of jobs. Especially poor people and immigrants are being affected.
As I see, United States are the world’s economic and military power, but there are little aspects that must be changed. The societies need to change to an equal quality of life to everyone.
Adding to that, I can relate this topic to KONY 2012 project. The number of people who watch this video grew every day. This powerful project is near to change the mentality of the society because everybody wants to be equal to his neighbor.
In conclusion, I have to say that a lot of people in your country would be agree with me when I say that United Stated need some changes to help people with les financial resources.
Yours faithfully,
dimecres, 7 de març del 2012
Public school vs private school
I have studied all my life in public schools or High Schools and I consider myself an intelligent person. I didn’t go to public education because I couldn’t pay the fees, it’s only that my parent believe in it, and me too.

There are a lot of ignorant ‘people’ that are against public education because they think in these High Schools there are more violence or the level isn’t the same. Well, I don’t agree with that. In my High School we have the level rather higher than others centers of the region, and I’m proud of it.
Last year, for example, a new gay arrived to my class coming of a private school. In his last center he passed all the subjects with marks between seven or six; and when he arrived to my High School he began to fail a lot of subjects. How can people explain it? I only see one reason: public education can be equal or better than private one. But of course, it depends on the center you study; I know other public schools with a low level.
How to finish a book if you are studying second of batxillerat

Well, I am a second batxillerat student and this year I have tried to read two different books. The first one was called ‘El sanador de caballos’ and is rather long but also people has said me it is definitely very passionate. I began it during the when the summer holidays were ending but I though I could finish it. But I was wrong. I started the course and I lost all my free time, I have forgotten what ‘free time’ means and I’m worried about it. Exams, exams, homework, exams…
However, I tried to read another book during the Christmas holidays, because maybe I stopped reading the first one because it didn’t like me, but I couldn’t finish it again. What I’m supposed to do? Everybody recommends us to read minimum one book during the year, but I CAN’T. It’s true that I have read books in some subjects like English, Catalan or Spanish, but nobody has allowed me chose these books. I was obliged to read it.
I’m not sure about if I am the only person with this problem, but I am starting to get very angry and to hate what I am studying.
Laws of Indonesia
Indonesia will ban the miniskirt to its diputies.

Scores of women demonstration in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, wearing miniskirts and tight pants, denouncing the sexism of local authorities.
I am in favour of these women who only defend their rights. In my opinion everybody can wear what they want, there shouldn’t exist dressing laws. And if someone wants to practise nudism, he should do it! If this activitie ennoy other people the can avoid watching him/her.
As I see it happens in Indonesia because of their religion. Islamic religion is less permissive than other religions. I’m not criticizing any religion; I’m only saying some aspects that could be good to somebody, of this religion.
Lots of people would be agree with me when I say that Islamic women have less freedom than men, but they have to accept it because it’s what their mothers and grantmothers are been doing all their lifes.
This demonstration is the first step. These women must continue fighting.
Mercadona's opinion
Mercadona’s president puts the “Chinese bazaars” as an example to overcome the crisis.
Juan Roig, Mercadona’s president, states that the effort of the bazaars’ workers have to be an example to all the Spanish population. Spanish workers are known to be lazzies, very different to Chinese people, who are known to sleep three hours and work twenty-one.

An example of their effort is the number of hours they work in the restaurants or bazaars, you can go one Sunday evening to the smallest village you know there is a bazzar, and you will see it opened. I’m not joking because I’ve seen it with my eyes.
Maybe they work too much hours, I agree with that, but I can’t accept that Spanish workers spend one hour to drink a coffee when they are in their job.
In my opinion, when you are working you must be concentrated to achieve the best resoults, if we do that Spain will overcome the crisis, I’m sure. Bosses would be happier with their employees; there would be fewer dismissals, less unemployment, more income in every family... I think the problem is our society, and someone should do something to change it.
dimarts, 6 de març del 2012
Why everybody loves dogs?
This afteroon I was at home sitting near the chimney and I began to think about my dog, Darky, and why I love him so much.
To put it bluntly, he is only a dog, an animal that needs someone to go out to have a piss. And it always happens when his master/mistress is lying on the sofa nearly to sleep.
Despite of this situation. I have to accept that I love him. Every member of my family considers him part of our lifes. But why?
Maybe is because of his sad look which make us feeling sorry. Also his celebrations and parties when you arrive at home, the moment you are watching TV with him by your side, the movement of his tail when he’s happy (sometimes seems that the dog is nearly to be rushed up), the way he eats human food, without masticate it, or the way he snores when he is sleeping on the sofa... I don’t know what the main cause of my love is; I only know that my life wouldn’t be the same without him.
Adding to that, we have to notice that this love is usually to dogs. There are less people who prefer cats. In my opinion cats are treacherous and cold, but, well, everybody can have different opinions.
I’m sure that there is somebody in the world who loves snakes or spiders.
Oral Presentation
Saint Georges Day
This composition is a criticism about the typical catalan costumes of Saint Georges Day.

In Catalonia, on 23rd of April, couples give presents each other. It’s similar to Saint Valentine Day but with one difference. Men give roses to their partner and women give books. I don’t understand why women have to make the difficult present. It is easier to buy a red rose, you don’t need to think about what kind of books does he like, or what happens if you partner hates reading? What is supposed to do the girl? She is “obliged” to buy a book, she can’t give another present in Saint Georges day, so she will buy it although she knows her boyfriend won’t read it.
It’s a waste of time and MONEY (very important with the crisis we are living with)!
I suggest a change. We could try to reverse the papers. What would you think if I give a rose to my boyfriend and I receive a book?
Well, for me, what people think is not important so I have decided that I will give a rose!
Maybe this idea seems funny, but I have a BIG BIG BIG problem coming soon. I like topics my partner hates… and he likes politic and economy books. I definitely can’t make a good present if I have to decide between these topics so, yes, we will be the first couple that skips the Saint George’s rules.
Can Internet help to make the world a better place?

Nowadays, almost everybody in our planet uses Internet. With computers, smart phones... it isn't important. However, we have to think about if Internet can help make the world a better place or not.
Me as an ideal partner

My name's Núria and I'm 17. I am rather short and quite slim. I am dark-haired and have brown eyes.
I like to keep fit, so I play volleyball in a team, but that isn't all. Also I like to play football, basketball, go running... However, I like to do quiet activities such as watching a film, lying on the sofa. If you like to go snowing or to practise sports I am your ideal partner.
Psicologically, I'm definitely very sociable and I've got a good sense of humour. I'm always joking when I'm with my friends. In the negative side I have to say that I am hardly ever on time.
I've never cheated on someone, in my opinion in a relationship people have to respect each other.
Tu sum up, I am the ideal partner to someone who is open-minded, honest and who loves doing sport.
dilluns, 5 de març del 2012
Barça Vs Sporting 3/2/2012
Last Saturday FCBarcelona played against Sporting de Gijón. At the beginning Barça controlled the ball and had a lot of its possession, but they couldn’t score the goal they merit. Everybody began to talk and say that Barça can’t win without Messi.
It’s true that Messi is the world’s best player, and is normal that when he is not playing Barça loses efficacy. We are talking about the best player! Xavi, Iniesta, Fàbregas.. these guys look for Messi in the court, they assist him and it’s because of it that Lionel scores all his goals. Sometimes I think people don’t recognize Xavi’s merits.

Adding to that, that day the referee was clearly against Barça. He sent Gerard Piqué off the court with a red card. Watching the images I have seen that the referee was mistaken; Piqué didn’t touch the Sporting player. In my opinion the referee was a Real Madrid fan and he knew that this week Barça has got an important mach. He was detrimental to Barça, and for his fault Barça will lose one of its best defender
Carnival 2012
This year some people of my class and I have dressed up as Bulma (girls) and Fullet Tortuga (boys). They are characters of a cartoon called Dragon Ball. Everybody of my age has grown up following these cartoons.
This has been the first time that we have dressed up with a group of people of my village. They are older than me but I know them all because my village is small and everybody is neighbor.

My group went to four different cities to celebrate the carnival, but the most full of people was Roses. It was amazing! It was difficult to stay inside building, and also very stressing. That day, someone nobody knows throw up from a fire extinguisher twice. People had to leave the building but the crowd was so nervous and a lot of people had difficulties to go out.
Despite this, the party continued until the sun went up.
Everyday of carnival was different, and all of them were perfect. In my opinion carnival is the better party of the year.