diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011


I’m a girl who loves watching TV. I don’t spend time in the computer, I prefer TV. I watch many series, sometimes in the TV and sometimes with the computer, in seriesyonkis.com.

In TV I watch series like: El Barco, Crakovia, Polonia, APM?, Castle, Bones, House...

But when a serie disapears of TV i have to watch it with the computer. For example Gossip Girl. It’s my favourite serie.

Gossip Girl is about five guys of about twenty years old. They are rich people of New York. The serie have five seasons (the five one has begun this September) and every season is interesting. It’s incredible how the scriptwriters can imagine new problems and new love stories.

My favourite acress is Blair Waldorf. She is the typical girl that NEVER would stay in the same place than a poor person. I don’t identified myself with her, but I like how she acts.

Then my favourite actor. Chuck Bass. He is arrogant, sex addict, alcoholic... His destiny is to be with Blaire but when they are together always appears a problem.

I think Gossip Girl is a typical teenager serie but, I’M A TEENAGER!

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