divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010



Her name is Lydia. She is my best friend in class.

Las year, she was only my classmate. I didn’t talk a lot because I sat with Andrea all the course and Lydia sat with Clara.

We were friends and we went out at nights with the same gang of friends, but we weren’t much friends.

This year is different.

At the end of 4th of ESO Lydia and I knew that we would be at the same class in batxiller so we began to spend more time together.

The first class’ day we sat together because our best friends were in the other class and Lydia was the girls that I knew most.

Now I laugh a lot when I’m with her, we always say silly things but we laugh a lot. Especially in Maths’ classes, we do a lot of stupid things; if you see us I would think that we are crazy. I don’t know why it happens in Maths… the subject makes us crazy.

Sometimes, we began to sing the same song at the same time, it’s incredible! We are brain-connected.

She becames desperate in Physics and I calm her, and I became desperate in Biology and she calms me. And in Chemistry, Lydia and I became desperate ( the teacher doesn’t listen to us).

Out of the high school, I have gone to her house many times and she has gone to my home too. We talk about the high school and also we about our loves (but I can’t say it, I’m sorry).

I remember that this quarter we have studied by telephone! Jajajaja We have our own style.

Now, we go out together and I spent the most part of the night with her. She takes care of me and I take care of her. We form a very good team!

I don’t know what would I do if Lydia wasn't with me.

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